A healthy person has a thousand dreams - a sick person only ONE

PROTECT your dreams

Health products that make a difference

Premium quality
Without Pesticides
Sustainable choice
100% natural ingredients
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Our driving force comes from
The dream of preschool for disabled children

In the book "Five Things Dying Regrets" by Bronnie Ware, it is pointed out that many people regret that they have "missed out on their children's upbringing" and that they have been "stuck in old patterns" as they approach the end of life. This insight has inspired me tostart Pharmacy Garden. The goal is to finance a preschool for children with disabilities. The vision is to approach the end of life knowing that I did everything I could to help those in need.


How does digestion work?

Digestion is the process by which food is broken down into molecules small enough to be absorbed and used by the body.

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IBS är en förkortning av engelskans Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Benämningen syftar på lättretad eller överkänslig tarm. Tillståndet kallas också för kolon irritabile och funktionella tarmbesvär.