The herbal blog

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Gas in the stomach is something that everyone has, but in some cases so much gas is formed that the stomach becomes bloated. It is sometimes called balloon stomach and can cause discomfort and pain.

From time to time the stomach can get out of balance and rumble and squeeze so that it becomes troublesome. If the stomach becomes really bloated and swollen, it is sometimes called a balloon stomach. In case of persistent problems, it can be good to get help to investigate what is causing the symptoms. There are those who also call it stress stomach, milk stomach or irritable bowel.

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Peppermint tea is a proven, traditional remedy to regulate bile secretion and alleviate problems with the presence of gallstones, liver and pancreatic diseases. It is also a common ingredient in tea blends to relieve heart problems caused by bloating and indigestion, such as in Recipe 1.0.

In addition to its beneficial effect on relieving the feeling of palpitations, mint is also considered a means to eliminate nervousness and mental restlessness, so it is also used in herbal mixtures to calm. Recipe 2.0 therefore contains 10% peppermint. Peppermint is also used as a refreshing agent for mental fatigue as it contributes to the activation of intellectual activities.

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Maskroste maskrosrot
What is Dandelion Root? To the untrained and ignorant, the dandelion (Taraxaci officinalis) is a weed that should be eliminated or used as a fun toy for their bladder balls, but dandelion leaves, flowers and roots are actually used in...
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Hibiscus (Hibisci flos)
Hibiscus tea is well known for its red color, sourness, unique taste and high nutritional properties due to its vitamin C content and ability to regulate blood pressure with regular use.
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